Turbot Vallée d’Auge

Turbot with Apple and Cider Sauce

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By Anne Willan

Published 1981

  • About

Around Etretat, a whole ‘turbot vallée d’Auge’, cooked in cider, is traditional at first communion celebrations. However, any large flat fish can be baked as in this recipe.


1.5 kg turbot


Set the oven at hot (200°C/400°F). Clean the turbot, remove the fins and trim the tail to a ‘V’. Wash and dry the fish.

Butter a very large baking dish or roasting pan and sprinkle it with the sliced leek and apples. Lay the turbot on top with its white side up, season with salt and pepper and pour the cider and fish stock over it. Bring to a boil on top of the stove; then bake in the o