Crème Fraîche

Preparation info
  • makes

    7 pint

    • Difficulty


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By Jeremy Round

Published 1988

  • About

The fat content of the original cream dictates the luxuriousness of this thick, slightly tart cream, used all over France as we would use double cream. Some cooks add a much greater proportion of souring agent than in the recipe below – up to one part in every two of the ‘ordinary’ cream. Some use sour cream instead of buttermilk.


  • 1 pint whipping or double cream
  • tablespoons buttermilk


Heat together over a gentle flame until the mixture feels still slightly cool to a dipped finger. Leave overnight in a vacuum flask or covered in a warm place – such as an airing cupboard. Stir, then keep in a covered bowl in the fridge. It will ripen and thicken over a few days.