Tahini & Chocolate Brioche

Preparation info
  • Serves


    • Difficulty


    • Ready in

      1 hr 35

Appears in
The Jewelled Kitchen

By Bethany Kehdy

Published 2013

  • About

Armenian communities across the Middle East have contributed much to the cuisine across the region, and this brioche is inspired by their tahinov hatz, a type of sweet bread roll spread with sugar and cinnamon.


  • 4 tbsp milk
  • 7 g/¼ oz dried active yeast
  • <


  1. Warm the milk in a small saucepan until tepid. Sprinkle in the yeast and stir well.
  2. Sift the flour and salt into a mixing bowl, add the sugar, yeasty milk mixture and both eggs and mix thoroughly by hand. Knead in the butter, one piece at a time. The result should be a soft and elastic dough with a sticky consistency.
  3. Dust the work surface with flour.