Dill Pickles

Preparation info
    • Difficulty


Appears in
Max’s Sandwich Book

By Max Halley and Ben Benton

Published 2018

  • About

You’ve stopped picking the gherkins out of your cheeseburger haven’t you?! They’re the best bloody bit!! Well guess what, they are so easy to make you’ll be crying tears of joy the next time you’re making a sarnie for your tea with rich meaty leftovers and you’re desperate for something sharp and crunchy to compliment it all.


  • 1 kg small cucumbers (about the length of a Mars Bar, you’ll likely need to visit a proper greengrocer for these)
  • 6 garlic cloves
  • 1


This recipe makes a pretty decent batch of pickles, which is handy as they are insanely good to eat, and, if you properly sanitise your jars prior to making, they will last until the second coming.

If you have a dishwasher, place your jar(s) and lid(s) in the machine (not attached to one another) and run on the hottest cycle you have. You can also bring a large pan of water to the boil