Mushroom Tart with Yorkshire Blue Rarebit

Truffled Mushroom and Spinach Tart with Yorkshire Blue Rarebit, Poached Guinea Fowl Egg and Cobnut Dressing

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Appears in
On The Menu: Seasonal Recipes for a Culinary Life

By James Mackenzie

Published 2011

  • About

When available, I use guinea fowl eggs to finish this dish. They’re a tasty little egg about the same size as a bantam egg, but a small hen egg is a perfect alternative. Cobnuts, a variety of hazelnuts, also known as filberts or Kentish cobnuts, are at their best when the season starts in September.

They’re little juicy fresh nuts, which also go really well with fish. I’m lucky enough to have my very own tree in the garden, which yields a small harvest each year.