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Pork, Apples and Sauerkraut

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Appears in
New York Times Menu Cookbook

By Craig Claiborne

Published 1966

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  • 4 pork shoulder steaks, each ½ inch thick
  • 2 tablespoons butter or drippings


  1. Preheat oven to moderate (350°F.).

  2. Brown the pork steaks in the butter. Pour off the excess fat. Season the steaks with salt and pepper. Combine the mustard and horseradish and spread over the steaks.

  3. Combine the sauerkraut,

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from Australia

The thing I like most about CKBK is being able to input my ingredients and check out the serving suggestions in the app. This was today's wonder dish. Simple ingredients that you know will work just by reading the recipe. I didn't have horseradish but can just imagine how the sweet tang of it would enhance this dish even more. Beautiful mix of flavours. I served it with steamed carrots and a baked sweet potato.

Matthew Cockerill
from Ireland

One great thing about horseradish is that it has to be the world's easiest vegetable to grow - it's incredible prolific and you rapidly end up with an endless year round supply of horseradish when you need it. I have it in a small raised bed to contain it as otherwise it does have a reputation for taking over…

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