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Appears in
Potty!: Clarissa's One Pot Cookbook

By Clarissa Dickson Wright

Published 2010

  • About

A cobbler is a dish that is topped with scone dough. It is now used extensively in America, both for sweet and savoury cobblers and it was a dish that probably would have gone out with the Pilgrim Fathers. It’s one that was rather a loss to us in this country, where it is now relatively uncommon.


  • 1 kg ( lb) stewing beef
  • 40 g (


Preheat the oven to 180°C/350°F/gas mark 4.

Mix all the scone ingredients, except the beaten egg, to make a smooth dough, adding your liquid rather circumspectly so that the dough doesn’t become too liquid.

Cut the meat into cubes and toss in the seasoned flour. In a he