Beef Fat Hispi Cabbage, Dripping Breadcrumbs

Preparation info
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Appears in
The Quality Chop House

By William Lander, Shaun Searley and Daniel Morgenthau

Published 2019

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Perfect for committed carnivores. Whenever you’re rendering a piece of beef do save the fat to cook with later. We think it’s better to replace refined vegetable fats with pure animal fats – it saves waste (you’re eating nose-to-tail) and lends a fantastic nutty note to dishes, especially vegetable-based ones.


  • 2 hispi cabbages
  • 100 g beef dripping
  • 2 sprigs of thym


Preheat the oven to 180°C.

Remove any brown or damaged leaves from the outside of the cabbages, then cut them in half lengthways.

Heat the beef dripping in a large non-stick frying pan and, once melted, fry the cabbages cut-side down until a dark golden brown colour.