Roast Local Suckling Pig with cider Potatoes, Baked Apple, Braised Cabbage, Smoked Bacon and Herb Juices

Preparation info
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Appears in
Rhubarb and Black Pudding

By Paul Heathcote and Matthew Fort

Published 1998

  • About


  • 350 g / 12 oz each shoulder, belly and leg from a suckling pig, together with 1 best end (ask the butcher to give you all the bones and trimmings for stock)


  1. Preheat the oven to 220°C/425°F/gas 7. Remove the bone and any sinew from the shoulder. Chine the best end, leaving 6 bones. Cut the meat from the belly pork and trim to neaten. Remove the bone from leg and remove any sinew. (You can ask your butcher to do all this for you.)
  2. Make the pork stock: roast the b