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589. Pasta Frolla

Shortcrust Pastry Dough

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By Pellegrino Artusi

Published 1998

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Here are three different recipes for shortcrust pastry dough or short pastry. You can choose the one that best suits your needs, but I recommend the third recipe as the most refined, especially for pies.


Recipe A

  • 500 grams (about 1 pound) of flour
  • 220 grams (about 7-¾


If you want to make short pastry without losing your mind, grind the sugar very fine (I use confectioners’ sugar) and mix it with the flour. If the butter is still hard, work it beforehand with wet hands on the pastry board until it becomes soft. Make sure that the lard isn’t rancid. Blend everything to form a dough, but try to handle it as little as possible or it will “burn,” as the chefs say

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