Curry Coconut Broth with Chicken and Crispy Noodles

Kao Soi Gai

Preparation info
  • Makes

    4 to 6

    bowls as a one-dish meal
    • Difficulty


Appears in
Southeast Asian Flavors: Adventures in Cooking the Foods of Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia & Singapore

By Robert Danhi

Published 2008

  • About

Thai mastery of complex flavors and textures finds its best showcase in this dish of resilient wheat noodles floating in rich scented coconut broth garnished with more crispy noodles. Thailand shares more than just a border with Myanmar (Burma). The nations have borrowed from each other in the evolution of dishes such as Kao Soi. Believed to be a hybrid of the Burmese word “khauk-hswe,” which translates as “noodles,” it also shows influences from Chinese style. A rich, coconut milk-based cu