Sweet Griddle Cakes

Gorditas de Azúcar

Preparation info
  • Servings:

    1 dozen

    • Difficulty


Appears in
My South Texas Kitchen: Traditional Recipes And Modern Tips

By Yvette Zuniga Jemison

Published 2022

  • About

I always enjoy visiting my South Texas relatives because my family is welcomed with a big hug and a homemade treat. If there’s a chill in the air you can count on Gorditas de Azúcar to be served as the welcoming treat. These rustic griddle cakes are made with lightly sweetened dough that gets pat and shaped between the palm of your hands. Gorditas de Azúcar are served for breakfast or ‘merienda’, an afternoon snack, and are often served with a cup of coffee or hot chocolate. You can drizzle