Simone’s Marinated Tuna

Preparation info
  • Serves


    • Difficulty


    • Ready in

      13 hr

Appears in
The French Kitchen: A Cookbook

By Joanne Harris and Fran Warde

Published 2002

  • About

Try this great dish, which should be made using only really fresh tuna, with steamed sliced new potatoes and a green salad. One of my great-aunt Simone’s favourites, this dish is absurdly simple and quick to make.


  • 6 shallots, finely sliced
  • zest and juice of 6 lemons
  • 150 ml


In a large, low-sided dish mix together the shallots, lemon zest and juice, olive oil, chilli and seasoning. Finally, add the tuna fillets and leave to marinate for 12 hours, turning occasionally.

Heat a grill or barbecue to hot and take the tuna from the marinade. Cook the fish for 1–2 minutes on each side for rare (4 minutes for well done) and serve at once, drizzled with the remainin