Preparation info
  • Serves


    • Difficulty


Appears in
The Food of India: A Journey for Food Lovers

By Priya Wickramasinghe

Published 2005

  • About

These chips, along with roasted fried peanuts, are sold by Indian vendors who stroll the streets with large baskets balanced on their heads. They wear broadcloth turbans to provide a foothold for the basket and a place to keep their money.


  • 10 small green bananas
  • Oil for deep-frying
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • ground turmeric</


Before you start, oil your hands or put on disposable gloves as a thick, sticky sap will be given off by the unripe bananas. Using a knife or mandolin, cut the bananas into 5 mm (¼ inch) thick slices, oili