Strawberry Eating-Jam

Preparation info
  • To make approximately

    3 × 450 g

    • Difficulty


Appears in
A Year in a Scots Kitchen

By Catherine Brown

Published 1996

  • About

This a quick-and-easy recipe (15 minutes) which produces a runny strawberry-flavoured syrup with whole berries in it. Choose small, perfectly ripened strawberries (Cambridge Favourite or Tamella) for this intensely flavoured, but not sickly-sweet, preserve.


  • 500 g (1 lb) strawberries
  • juice of ½ lemon


Wash and drain the strawberries. Put them into a wide, shallow pan with the lemon juice. A deep frying pan would do. Put the sugar on a plate in a warm oven to dry out. Cook the berries on the lowest heat until soft and the juice running.

Add sugar, bring to the boil and simmer for ten minutes. Stirring gently from time to time. Pot and cover. It does not matter whether