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Breaded ‘Mountain Oysters’ Beidh Ghanam

Appears in
Delights from the Garden of Eden

By Nawal Nasrallah

Published 2019

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Lamb’s testicles, euphemistically known as lamb’s eggs in Iraq, are delicacies usually nibbled on as a snack, not more than 3 to 4 pieces per serving. The way to prepare them is to cut the ‘eggs’ into halves, remove the outer skin, and wash very well. Roll them in seasoned breadcrumbs, and brown them in hot oil. Drain on white paper towel/kitchen paper, and serve immediately.
This delicacy is known in the United States as ‘Mountain Oyster Fry’. It is prepared pretty much the same way, and then incorporated into scrambled eggs. According to the food writer M. F. K. Fisher, they are believed to be ‘aphrodisiac and restorative,’ adding that she likes to eat them but ‘never sought them out either on a fixed hour or for a fixed purpose, other than plain pleasurable hunger’.

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