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Chicory and Endive: Uses

Appears in
Oxford Companion to Food

By Alan Davidson

Published 2014

  • About
Both chicory and endive are most commonly used as salad vegetables. It is usual to balance their bitterness by including something slightly sweet such as red capsicum; or emollient, such as chopped hard-boiled egg, in the salad. A dressing of hot diced bacon with the melted fat is another successful expedient.

When the vegetables are cooked, as they sometimes are, they can be first blanched (in the cooking sense), after which (to take one possible example) they can be dressed with olive oil and garlic and heated through again. A well-known cooked chicory dish is Endive au jambon sauce mornay (parboiled Witloof wrapped in ham, covered in cheese sauce, and baked).

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