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Oxford Companion to Food

By Alan Davidson

Published 2014

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mesquite Prosopis juliflora and related species, American plants which are well known for their use as a fuel for barbecues (to which it imparts an attractive aroma), but also providing food from its pods. These may be ground into a meal (flour) which can then be used to make a beverage, or used as a kind of pinole, or as material for bread-making. It is exceptionally nutritious.

Medsger (1972), writing about P. glandulosa, remarks that it is often called honey pod because of the sweetness of the pulp surrounding the seeds. Also, the flowers provide nectar for bees, and this makes a delicious honey. The mature pods may be 15 cm (6") long. When the pods are still green they may be gathered and cooked whole.

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