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Oxford Companion to Food

By Alan Davidson

Published 2014

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plover the name generally applied to birds of the genus Charadrius, which also includes the dotterel. The family Charadriidae includes the lapwing.

The subject of plovers has been admirably dealt with in Kettner’s Book of the Table by Dallas (1877), as follows:

The best are the golden plovers. They used to be, and often still are, roasted without being drawn—as were also turtledoves and larks; ‘for,’ says an ancient author, ‘larks eat only pebbles and sand, doves grains of juniper and scented herbs, and plovers feed on air.’ Later, the same rule was extended to the woodcock; and the general rule now is to dress the plover as a woodcock.

Plovers’ Eggs must not be forgotten—delicious little things hard-boiled, exquisite in a salad, perfect in sandwich, most admirable of all set like large opals in the midst of aspic jelly. The chief supply comes from Holland. The first eggs that come over are sent to the Queen, and are worth 7s. 6d. apiece.

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