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Oxford Companion to Food

By Alan Davidson

Published 2014

  • About

tarhana or trahana(s) (and other spellings), a family of grain products, extending from Iran to the Balkans and Hungary. The basic recipe is crushed wheat mixed with yoghurt, allowed to rest and sour up to seven days and then formed into sheets or pellets which are dried in the sun. These dried sheets or pellets are crumbled at some point before use. The usual destination is soup, but it is also eaten by itself as a sort of pilaf, and often with crumbled cheese as a sort of breakfast cereal.

The first recorded literary reference seems to be the 14th-century poet Bushaq, where occur the lines:

ʿAsheq-e nânam; agar tarkhâneh nabud, gu mabâd.

Balkeh bâ nân niz, agar beryân nabâshad, gu mabâd.

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