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Travelling Sauce

Appears in
Oxford Companion to Food

By Alan Davidson

Published 2014

  • About

travelling sauce for which a detailed recipe was given by Richard Bradley (1736), who acknowledged it to a certain Mr Rozelli of The Hague, was a bottle or jar of concentrated sauce which travellers could take with them on journeys. The ingredients were variable, according to individual tastes, but the general procedure was to infuse a number of flavouring elements such as nutmeg, ginger, dried orange peel, shallots, and other herbs and spices in a suitable liquid (red wine, vinegar, verjuice). The product, in a well-stoppered container, could keep for up to a year if vinegar or wine had been used, but only three months with verjuice. Bradley assures us that it ‘is a good Companion for Travellers, who more frequently find good Meat than good Cooks’.

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