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La Alcadima, Lanjarón, Alpujarras

Appears in
Andaluz: A Food Journey Through Southern Spain

By Fiona Dunlop

Published 2023

  • About

Luxuriant green foliage shatters your retina in the gardens of Hotel La Alcadima, a boutique hotel and restaurant on the western side of the Alpujarras. Thanks to abundant springs, the former cortijo (farmhouse) once managed the town’s water supply until, in the 1950s, it metamorphosed into a pioneering swimming pool. Day-trippers flocked here from Granada, and slowly the hotel took shape.

It is still very much a family affair, with Gonzalo Rodriguez steering the restaurant and his daughter Amanda in charge of the hotel’s marketing. “We want to maintain the idea of a small village,” says Gonzalo, referring to the many patios that articulate the hotel, resplendent with fruit trees—quince, pomegranate, kumquat, and orange—amid splashes of tropical flowers.

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