Save 25% on ckbk membership for St Patrick's Day ☘️
By Mark Hix
Published 2008
Sweet, succulent PRAWNS, wild mushrooms of every description, colourful SQUASHES and PUMPKINS and dark, juicy AUTUMN BERRIES plucked from hedgerows...
Other Ingredients not to be Missed
- Wild salmon
- Sea trout
- Red mullet
- Crayfish
- Sprats
- Mussels
- Cockles
- Native oysters
- Mallard
- Grouse
- Snipe
- Teal
- Widgeon
- Ptarmigan
- Beetroot
- Chard
- Celery
- Swede
- Water celery
- Bitterness
- Pennywort
- Nasturtiums
- Tomatoes
- Elderberries
- Crab apples
- Wild cherry plums
- Pears
- Hazelnuts
- Walnuts
- Cobnuts