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Autumn fruits

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British Seasonal Food

By Mark Hix

Published 2008

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Along with other autumnal fruits, like plums, apples and pears, dark autumn berries, such as blackberries, tayberries and loganberries, will happily slip into most dessert concoctions - from hearty steamed puddings and crumbles to light, healthy fruit salads and compote.
Being a jelly freak, I often continue the berry jelly theme into autumn, using a different flavouring as a base - like wine, cider, Perry or maybe even a touch of last year’s sloe gin.
With hedgerow fruits like blackberries you can often end up with a glut after a good foraging session. Fortunately, they freeze well - either whole or puréed. Later in the year, defrost and use in crumbles, or whiz into an autumn fruit smoothie or milk shake. Also, freeze some small tubs of purée - to pop straight into a glass of bubbly for an autumn Champagne cocktail.

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