From at least the thirteenth century through to the late Victorian period, the brewing of ale and the baking of bread were virtually inseparable activities in major households, usually being carried out either in the same or adjacent rooms. The reasons for this were entirely practical. Both offices required ready access to grain, water and fuel, both required an ambient warmth to enable their yeasts to become active, and both were required to work outside the fixed routines of the rest of the household. In addition, they were unique in providing major every-day basic foods and drinks, a number of which only lasted for about a week, and so had to be in continuous production. Some establishments confirmed this close relationship by employing one person to act jointly as brewer and baker, someone who really understood the mysteries of fermentation, including the use of ale yeasts to raise bread and other baked goods. This was a great responsibility, for not only was he in charge of quantities of expensive materials and products which everyone wanted, but the domestic harmony of the entire enterprise depended heavily on his practical ability to produce good ale and bread.