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By Elena Molokhovets

Published 1992

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Remarks: The same rules for baking tortes, such as beating the butter, egg yolks, and sugar until white, etc., apply to baking mazurkas and other small pastries.

A mazurka should be a flat rectangle, half as thick as your finger, and as large as a half- or full-sheet of paper,* according to the proportions. A mazurka for 6–9 persons should be no bigger than a half-sheet of paper, and perhaps even smaller. It may be surrounded with a narrow rim of the same or some other pastry. The top is covered with icing and decorated with fruits, jam, etc., or it may be served without icing, simply covered with shredded almonds, currants, and sugar. If small pieces of pastry are desired, the mazurka should be removed from the oven after it has baked but before it has completely dried out. Cut it with a sharp knife into rectangles or other shapes and return them to the oven to dry out. (Proportions are for 6–9 persons. For a large mazurka, double the proportions).

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