Brill, clams, cockles, cod, coley, conger eel, dab, Dover sole, eel, flounder, grey mullet, gurnard, haddock, hake, halibut, herring, huss, John Dory, langoustines (scampi or Dublin Bay prawns), lemon sole, ling, mackerel, monkfish, mussels, oysters (native and Pacific), plaice, scallops, sea bass, skate, smelt, sprats (fresh and smoked), tuna, turbot, whiting, winkles, witch
Israel exports quantities of farmed carp at this time of year and, in some British stores, exotica from further afield, Senegal and the Seychelles, might include sardines, tilepia, saupe, red grouper, vara vara, job jeune and red emperor.