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At Friends’ Homes

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Low-FODMAP and Vegan

By Jo Stepaniak

Published 2016

  • About

It would be helpful to provide friends and family members with information about the low-FODMAP vegan diet before you go to their homes for a meal. If they already understand a vegan diet, they’re one step ahead of the game, but a low-FODMAP diet takes the learning curve to another level. Be patient and try to educate them. Give them a copy of this book. Make a copy of your restaurant card for them. Ask in advance what they’ll be preparing and inquire about any modifications that could be made. Provide some recipes or menu ideas. Offer to bring a low-FODMAP vegan dish that everyone can share. If necessary, eat before you go if you have any concerns about the menu, and nibble on any available safe foods while you’re there.

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