Rutabagas are available in supermarkets year-round but are more bountiful in the fall and winter when they can be found at local farmers’ markets. At other times of the year, they are imported from colder regions of northern Canada. Rutabagas are often confused with purple-topped turnips, so note that they have a more golden tan bottom and are usually a deeper plum toward the stem end. They tend to be rather large and are sometimes coated with wax. Although the larger, wax-coated specimens are delicious, if given an option, pick the smallest, wax-free rutabagas for optimum texture and flavor. Choose rutabagas that are heavy for their size, a sure sign that they are moist inside. Avoid those with cracks, bruising, soft spots, or a shriveled appearance. Even though rutabaga greens are edible, the roots are almost never sold with the greens attached.