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Thanksgiving Traditions

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Thanksgiving: Recipes for a Holiday Meal

By Lou Seibert Pappas

Published 2011

  • About
Many families begin the Thanksgiving meal by allowing each person at the table to list the reasons they are thankful. Every guest, young and old, takes a moment to give thanks. This and the many other traditions of Thanksgiving are what lend the holiday its cultural importance. More traditions are revealed in the recipes that make up the Thanksgiving table. Each dish, whether it’s an uncle’s favorite side dish or a neighbor’s recipe for pumpkin pie, represents a specific memory, flavor, and regional touch that can often carry on for generations of Thanksgiving dinners to come. The task of preparing the meal can be daunting to any host, but the experience of serving a memorable feast to your loved ones is a rewarding one. Whether the challenge lies in feeding a large number of people or in having only one oven and many dishes to bake or roast, the key to preparing and hosting Thanksgiving dinner lies in being organized.

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