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52 Weeks 52 Sweets

By Vedika Luthra

Published 2021

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In April, spring is in full bloom. In the Netherlands, the brightly colored tulips are at their peak, and tourists from across the world flock to see the fields of bold hues. Spring is accompanied by a fresh, positive energy, a result of the sun that lingers for longer and longer each day. For this reason, the April section of this book brings you more recipes fit for spring, such as the Lime and Coconut Cake, a festive twist on a more traditional lemon loaf cake. In keeping with the citrus theme is the Orange, Olive Oil, and Poppyseed Cake, with Macerated Strawberries. It is an intriguing spring delicacy, an unconventional yet delicious dessert that is sure to be one of your favorites. Of course, April would be incomplete without Easter recipes, and for this I provide you with two of my all-time favorites: my Mazurek-inspired Millionaire’s Shortbread, which pays tribute to my Polish upbringing, and my friend Danika and her dad’s carrot cake recipe, always a winner.

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