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The Legendary Cuisine of Persia

by Margaret Shaida

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Original Publisher
Lieuse Publications
Date of publication

Recommended by

Sue Dyson and Roger McShane

Food writers

Margaret Shaida has written an important, seminal work on the cooking of Iran. She married an Iranian and went to live in that country for 25 years. It was here that she learned Persian cooking techniques from her extended family. She also became obsessed with the Tehran markets and the beautiful produce they offered. The book represents one of the best surveys of this important cuisine that we have read. Shaida includes much information on the cultural history of Persia (Iran) as well as many insights into the techniques required for reproducing the recipes in the home kitchen.

Sybil Kapoor

Writer and broadcaster

Remains the best book on Persian food. It is beautifully written and takes you to another place even before you've tried the first of many delicious recipes.

Daniel Newman

Food historian

A treasure-trove of recipes from Iran, packed with cultural titbits.

Elisabeth Luard

Food writer and illustrator

One of the world's great culinary traditions.

Ghillie Basan

Writer, broadcaster, and food anthropologist