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Daniel Newman

Daniel Newman

Food historian
Daniel L. Newman is Head of the Arabic Studies Department, Professor of Arabic and Course Director of the MA in Arabic-English Translation and Interpreting at the University of Durham, UK. His publications include An Imam in Paris: Account of a Stay in France by An Egyptian Cleric (1826-1831), The Sultan's Sex Potions: Arab Aphrodisiacs in the Middle Ages, Modern Arabic Short Stories: A Bilingual Reader and A to Z of Arabic-English-Arabic Translation (both with Ronak Husni). --This text refers to the paperback edition.

Daniel's favorite cookbooks

Thai Food

Thai Food

David Thompson

A fascinating and encyclopedic culinary history of Thai cooking and everything one needs to know about its ingredients, with recipes from the various regional cuisines.

Coming to ckbk soon
Apricots on the Nile

Apricots on the Nile

A delightful little book, which combines reminiscences of a youth in pre-war Egypt with recipes that conjure up the past.

Available on ckbk now

Books by Daniel Newman