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Black garlic mashed potatoes

Puré de patatas al ajo negro

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Appears in
Andaluz: A Food Journey Through Southern Spain

By Fiona Dunlop

Published 2023

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Although black garlic (fermented garlic) originated in Asia, these tasty beauties are now produced in La Mancha and are widely available in Spain and elsewhere. Serve this rich side dish alongside meat and fish dishes such as Citrus and Herb-Roasted Cod.


  • 1 lb 12 oz (600 g) peeled potatoes
  • ½


Boil the potatoes until tender, drain, and set aside to steam-dry for a few minutes.

In a small pan, heat the butter and cream until the butter has melted.

In a large bowl, mash the potatoes with the butter, cream, and garlic. You can use an electric mixer, but do not over-mix, or you’ll end up with what Robert calls, “a sticky mess.”<

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