Raspberry & White Chocolate Cookie Bar

Preparation info
  • Makes


    • Difficulty


Appears in
Bad Girl Bakery

By Jeni Iannetta

Published 2021

  • About

This traybake takes its inspiration from an American cookie bar called a Caramelita that combines oats, pecans and caramel. I came across the recipe years ago in an old magazine in a doctor’s waiting room. I couldn’t bring myself to steal the magazine so I scribbled down as much as I could and tried to recreate it.


  • 32 x 21 cm traybake tin, lined
  • 250 g soft light brown sugar
  • 350


Get the oven on at 180°C (160°C) and line your traybake tin.

Weigh the sugar, oats, flour and blitzed chocolate into a big bowl. Then pour in the melted butter and mix until there are no dry bits.

Press about half the mixture into the bottom of the lined tin. Just judge this by eye; there’s no need to weigh it and it’s ok if it’s not exactly half. Take some time to pat this down