Breakfast pizza

Preparation info
  • Makes 1 pizza (serves


    ), plus 1 extra base for freezing
    • Difficulty


    • Ready in

      30 min

Appears in
Chefs Eat Breakfast Too

By Darren Purchese

Published 2019

  • About

I love pizza, but I especially love cold left-over pizza for breakfast when I am feeling a little seedy after a big night. I’m not talking about leftovers here, though. I am talking about a dedicated fresh pizza made especially for breakfast. Toppings are up to you but here’s my ultimate breakfast suggestion. Now we’re talking.



  • 250 g ( oz) strong (baker’s) flour
  • 140 ml (


  1. Make the dough 2 days in advance. Put the flour, water, yeast and salt in the bowl of a freestanding electric mixer and attach the dough hook. Mix on low speed for 1 minute, then increase the speed to medium and mix for a further 5 minutes. Turn the machine off and leave the dough to rest for 5 minutes. Turn the machine back on to medium and mix again. Add the olive oil