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Cajun Potato Salad

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Appears in
The Cooking of the USA

By Patricia Lousada

Published 1993

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Louisiana cuisine acquired its Gallic flavour from the Cajuns, descendants of the Acadians, the displaced French settlers of Nova Scotia. You can taste the French influence in this delicious potato salad. When it is made carefully it is quite special. Do not be tempted to use yesterday’s cold boiled potatoes!


  • 2 lb (900 g) new potatoes
  • ¼ pint (150


Wash the potatoes and put them in enough boiling, salted water to cover. Boil until the potatoes are just tender when pierced with a small knife. Drain and, when they are cool enough to handle, peel and cut into thin slices. Place the still-warm potatoes in a bowl and pour over the wine or vermouth and stock.

Mix together the vinegar, lemon juice, mustard and

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