Spinach with Rosemary Shaker-Style

Preparation info
  • Serves


    • Difficulty


Appears in
The Cooking of the USA

By Patricia Lousada

Published 1993

  • About

One of the Shakers’ main industries was the growing of herbs for medicinal use. A Shaker catalogue of the 1830s offered 354 kinds of medicinal plants, barks, roots, seeds and flowers. This led quite naturally to a widespread use of herbs in their cooking. This is their excellent way with spinach.


  • 2 lb (900 g) fresh spinach
  • 4–5 spring onions, bulbs and stems, chopped


Wash the spinach in several changes of cold water. Place in a heavy saucepan, cover tightly and cook over a moderate heat for about 8 minutes. Turn into a colander and press to remove the surplus liquid. When it cools down, chop it fairly finely. Heat the butter in a saucepan and add the spring onions, rosemary and parsley. Add the spinach and stir over a brisk heat to mix in the herbs and rehe