Courgette, lime & chia

Preparation info
  • Cuts into


    • Difficulty


    • Ready in

      55 min

Appears in
Energy Balls & Power Bites

By Sara Lewis

Published 2017

  • About

While courgettes may not seem like the most natural ingredient to add to a cake they add moistness, and when mixed with lime zest and juice, coconut and chia seeds they make a great-tasting cake that is high in unsaturated fats – the good guys. The icing is optional but adds a nice fresh tang.


  • 200 ml/7 fl oz/scant 1 cup sunflower oil
  • 3


  1. Preheat the oven to 180°C/350°F/Gas 4. Cut a piece of baking parchment a little larger than an 18 x 28 x 4cm/7 x 11 x 1½in rectangular tin or pan, snip into the corners then press the paper into the tin so that base and sides are lined.
  2. Add the oil, eg