Macadamia Ricotta

Preparation info
  • Makes

    1 x 500 g

    • Difficulty


Appears in
Happy Vegan Food: Fast, Fresh, Simple Vegan

By Bettina Campolucci Bordi

Published 2022

  • About

Creamy, indulgent and the closest you are ever going to get taste-wise to a ricotta cheese. Once made it lasts for a good week. It is really versatile because there are endless flavour options and it can be used in many different recipes throughout this book.


  • 280 g (10 oz / 2 cups) macadamia nuts
  • 160


Start by soaking the macadamia nuts for 2 hours by putting them in a bowl and covering with water.

Drain the nuts and tip them into a blender along with the water and probiotic and blitz until you get a smooth texture. As this is a ricotta-style cheese the texture can be slightly bitty, which I personally love. If you are doing this in a high-speed blender, make sure not to overheat the