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Garlicky White Bean and Asparagus Soup

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Appears in
I Can Cook Vegan

By Isa Chandra Moskowitz

Published 2019

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One bite of asparagus and your surroundings transform into springtime. Birds start singing, bunnies start hopping around, you know the drill. It’s a magical stalk and pureeing brings out the fresh flavor even more! This soup manages to be simple and also impressively elegant. Creamy, bright green, and just what you want to slurp when the trees are budding but there’s still a little chill in the air. Asparagus spears range from pencil-thin to marker-fat in size. If you’ve got a choice, go so



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Cheryl Groot
from Canada

I quite liked this soup. Have always enjoyed puréed asparagus soup but never found it filling enough; the addition of navy beans bumped up the fibre and nutrition without greatly affecting the taste. I did use more garlic, plus garlic flavoured olive oil. Thought it needed a bit more lemon. Next time I’ll probably try a more flavourful white bean such as butter beans. I’m also thinking of trying this trick of adding white beans to other puréed vegetable soups.

rob hindle
updated  from United Kingdom

The result was bland but OK, edible, it will get used but not great. Firstly too thin - I'm not vegetarian so I added double cream to help fix that. A little too salty for my taste (the cream helped with that too). Flavour a bit bland, with 6 garlic cloves, Tarragon and Asparagus (400gm) I was expecting more flavour, the asparagus was barely identifiable. I used cannellini rather than navy beans but doubt that makes much difference. If I were to repeat I'd either use less broth, maybe 600ml (and only add salt at the end - if needed) or much more asparagus.

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