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Clapham Peasant Stew

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By Jeremy Round

Published 1988

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Hearty autumn fare for modern hunter-gatherers. You can also chuck in any slightly dodgy game, poultry, off-cuts of pork, smoked meats and sausages. Adding vinegar at the end kills off any rank flavours. Cinnamon also sometimes adds quite a nice touch.


  • 4 bone-in rabbit joints (about 1 lb)
  • 4 tablespoons olive oil


Brown the rabbit in the oil in a heavy, flameproof casserole. Lower the heat and throw in the garlic. When the garlic is cooked, translucent and just beginning to brown, add – in order, stirring between each addition – the bay leaf, cloves, lentils, black pepper and the measured water.

Bring to the boil, then simmer for 40 minutes or until the lentils are tender. When ready, stir in the

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