Herring Spread with Horseradish

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Appears in
The Complete Guide to Traditional Jewish Cooking

By Marlena Spieler

Published 2016

  • About

Vast quantities of herring are fished in the Baltic sea to the north of Poland. There is one thing you can be sure of at any Eastern European or Russian feast and that is that you’ll start with herring, herring, and more herring. Serve it spread on thinly sliced rye bread as a Sunday brunch.


  • 2 fresh herrings, filleted
  • 50 g/2 oz/4 tbsp


  1. Chop the herrings into pieces and put in a food processor with the butter, horseradish sauce and pepper. Process until smooth.

  2. Spoon the pâté into a bowl. Cover with clear film and chill for 1 hour. Serve on rye bread, add onion rings