Vanilla Pear and Peach Salad

Preparation info
  • Serves


    • Difficulty


Appears in
Keeping it Simple

By Gary Rhodes

Published 2005

  • About

Seeds from the vanilla pod are used here to provide the spice flavour. If unavailable, simply replace with a splash or two of vanilla extract or essence.


  • 4 ripe pears, peeled, cored and cut into rough cubes
  • 4 ripe peaches, stoned and cut into rough cubes
  • juice of 1


  • Place the fruit in a bowl with the lemon or lime juice and sprinkle over some caster sugar, depending on the ripeness of the fruit. Stir the vanilla seeds gently into the fruit, adding the scraped-out pods too.
  • Refrigerate for 2-3 hours, stirring very gently just before serving.