Potato, Lemon and Ricotta Pansoti with Salsa di Noci

Preparation info
  • Serves


    • Difficulty


Appears in
A Passion for Potatoes

By Paul Gayler

Published 2010

  • About

Pansoti are a speciality of Liguria in Italy. The name means ‘little tummies’ - a quirky description of their shape - and classically they are stuffed with a herb filling. My potato, lemon and ricotta filling is equally delicious.


  • 1 kg ( lb) red-skinned potatoes
  • 125 g (


Bake the potatoes until tender. Leave until cool enough to handle, then cut them in half, scoop out the flesh into a bowl and crush with a fork. Mix in the ricotta, milk, parsley, lemon zest and cinnamon, season with nutmeg, salt and pepper and leave to cool.

For the pasta dough, place the flour in a large bowl and make a well in the centre. Mix togeth