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Jugo de Corozo

Corozo Juice

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  • 4

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Appears in
Secrets of Colombian Cooking

By Patricia McCausland-Gallo

Published 2004

  • About

Corozo* is a tiny dark red fruit. It comes from a wild palm and we love it. As a kid, we would eat it with salt—alone it is very sour. We drink the juice weekly at home; it is very refreshing, and even sweetened is still somewhat tart.


  • 2 cups corozo*
  • 6 tablespoons sugar
  • 2 cups


  1. In a medium pot over medium heat cook the corozo in 4 cups of water for 8 to 10 minutes, or until you see the water has turned a deep, red wine color.
  2. Remove from the heat, strain and keep the liquid; discard the fruit.
  3. Add the sugar to the fruit juice. Mix u

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