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Secrets of Colombian Cooking

By Patricia McCausland-Gallo

Published 2004

  • About
Our drinks are either piping hot or very cold. We love iced or frappé juices, hot chocolate concoctions, fiery alcoholic beverages, and blends of different fruits, all in a wide variety of tastes and textures. We delight in the wonderful foods with which nature has blessed our country. The beautiful colors of all of these fruits reassure us that we capture a whole rainbow of essential vitamins and minerals.
It is now easy to find most of our fruits in American markets, especially in large cities; you can buy them, peel them, blend them, and enjoy a real treat of 100 percent fruit full of life, flavor and sun. Some you might not find around the corner, but as you read the recipes, you can go back in time with me and savor the moments that once were. Refresh yourself with the smell, color, and memories as you read through this chapter.

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