Strawberries Romanoff

Preparation info
  • Serves


    • Difficulty


    • Ready in

      55 min

Appears in
Summer: Le Cordon Bleu Home Collection

By Le Cordon Bleu

Published 1998

  • About

Deceptively easy to prepare, this memorable dessert will leave a lasting impression on your guests. Orange juice may be used in place of the liqueur.


  • 350 g (11¼ oz) fresh strawberries
  • 60 g (2


  1. Wash and thoroughly dry the strawberries and set three aside for decoration. Remove the stalks from the remaining strawberries. Roughly chop the fruit, place in a bowl and add the caster sugar and liqueur. Toss well, cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight.
  2. Mix the cream and vanilla and whisk lightly using a hand whisk until the whisk just leaves a trail