Cold Chicken with Spiced Walnut Sauce

Satsivi საცივი

Preparation info
  • Serves

    2 or 4–6

    • Difficulty


    • Ready in

      35 min

Appears in
Tasting Georgia: A Food and Wine Journey in the Caucasus

By Carla Capalbo

Published 2017

  • About

This dish is usually eaten at New Year’s when the extended family is gathered around the supra table. It’s traditionally made using a whole boiled turkey or chicken with its bones. It’s cooled and served cold with a delicious spiced walnut sauce: tsivi means cold in Georgian. The sumptuous, subtle sauce is finer in texture than the herbed version so it’s better suited to poached fowl. Use it on leftover cold turkey, hard-boiled eggs or vegetables. For a quicker version, use bo