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Basic Omelette

Appears in
The Cook's Book of Everything

By Lulu Grimes

Published 2009

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  1. Break 3 eggs into a bowl and season well with salt and pepper. Put a knob of butter and a little oil in an omelette pan or small frying pan and heat until the butter is foaming. Meanwhile, lightly beat the eggs with a fork to aerate slightly.
  2. When the butter is foaming, add the eggs and cook for about 20 seconds, allowing them to set slightly on the base, then stir the egg with a fork. Work quickly, drawing away some of the cooked egg from the bottom, tilting the pan a little as you work so that the uncooked egg runs into the space. If you’re making an omelette with a filling, add it now to the middle of the just-set eggs.
  3. When most of the egg is set and the underside is golden, slide a small palette knife under the cooked egg to loosen it. Fold one-third of the omelette over the centre, then fold the remaining third over the top. This will encase the filling if you’ve added one. The omelette should be soft on the inside and golden on the outside. Cook for 1 minute more, if you think it’s necessary.
  4. Slide the omelette from the pan onto a plate and let it sit for a minute before serving.

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